Monatliche Archive: November 2014

  1. [:en]New set-up sheet for MP9 Editable by FDL-Kyosho[:fr]Nouvelle fiche de réglages pour MP9 editable par FDL-Kyosho[:]

    [:en]New set-up sheet for MP9 Editable by FDL-Kyosho[:fr]Nouvelle fiche de réglages pour MP9 editable par FDL-Kyosho[:]


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  2. <!--:en-->RIP Jason. From Mike Cradock and all of us at Kyosho UK. Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe.<!--:--><!--:fr-->Repose en paix Jason. Mike Cradock et le personnel de Kyosho UK. Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe.<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->RIP Jason. From Mike Cradock and all of us at Kyosho UK. Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe.<!--:--><!--:fr-->Repose en paix Jason. Mike Cradock et le personnel de Kyosho UK. Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe.<!--:-->

    Mike, Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe from Kyosho UK :- Are sorry to hear of the sad news of Jason Robilliard’s passing on the 22nd November 2014.

    Jason was a very friendly guy and nothing was too much trouble for him, he was very passionate about his and others RC car racing and was an important member of the Guernsey Radio Control Car Club.

    He used to attend many events in the UK when his work shifts allowed and a regular at the Kyosho Masters and always encouraged other club members to support UK & National events, also with his support to drivers with car spares, tyres etc.. Jason did a great job for us in promoting Kyosho in Guernsey or Jernsey as we both used to joke with each other! I regarded Jason as a popular member of the Kyosho team and he was the only member who could get away with calling Michelle, “Miche”.

    Neil and myself would have a phone call from Jason nearly every week for parts or just a chat about what was going on in racing and events coming up! My favourite was Jason on set ups and he always used to say what ever car he was using there would be trouble with his “Back end” this meaning skipping out but we would always end up talking about this and we have had many a laugh with other racers from Guernsey on this subject.

    My deepest regret was Jason always asking me to come over and race and I would always reply sorry not enough weekends in the year or funds, sorry mate!
    Our deepest sympathy goes to Deb, Catlin, Conner and the rest of Jason’s family.

    RIP Jason. From Mike Cradock and all of us at Kyosho UK. Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe.

    jason-1 jasonMike, Neil, Karl, Debbie and Christophe from Kyosho UK :- Are sorry to hear of the sad news of Jason Robilliard’s passing on the 22nd November 2014.

    Jason was a very friendly guy and nothing was too much trouble for him, he was very passionate about his and others RC car racing and was an important member of the Guernsey Radio Control Car Club.

    He used to attend many events in the UK when his work shifts allowed and a regular at the Kyosho Masters and always encouraged other club members to support UK & National events, also with his support to drivers with car spares, tyres etc.. Jason did a great job for us in promoting Kyosho in Guernsey or Jernsey as we both used to joke with each other! I regarded Jason as a popular member of the Kyosho team and he was the only member who could get away with calling Michelle, “Miche”.

    Neil and myself would have a phone call from Jason nearly every week for parts or just a chat about what was going on in racing a

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  3. <!--:en-->Veodrive, Ultimate fun experience with Inferno GT2 VE Kyosho !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Veodrive, Ultimate fun experience with Inferno GT2 VE Kyosho !<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->Veodrive, Ultimate fun experience with Inferno GT2 VE Kyosho !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Veodrive, Ultimate fun experience with Inferno GT2 VE Kyosho !<!--:-->


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  4. <!--:en-->100 Latest Kyosho products<!--:--><!--:fr-->100 derniers produits Kyosho<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->100 Latest  Kyosho products<!--:--><!--:fr-->100 derniers produits Kyosho<!--:-->



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  5. [:en]Elliots talks about Maritime Off Road Wars / Setup sheet[:fr]Reportage d'Elliott sur le Maritime Off Road Wars / Fiche de réglages[:]

    [:en]Elliots talks about Maritime Off Road Wars / Setup sheet[:fr]Reportage d'Elliott sur le Maritime Off Road Wars / Fiche de réglages[:]

    [:en]Setup Sheets from Maritime Racing 2014


    Race Report from Maritime Off Road Wars.

    So this weekend it was time for us to head to Maritime for their Off Road Wars 2 day meeting. (2WD on the Saturday and 4WD on the Sunday)

    Saturday 2WD:
    We arrived at the venue at 7:00am and were greeted by an great looking track. Practice began and we were looking forward to

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  6. <!--:en-->All MP9 spares parts !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Toutes les pièces détachées de MP9 !<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->All MP9 spares parts !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Toutes les pièces détachées de MP9 !<!--:-->




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  7. <!--:en-->Elliott Boots takes the Win in 4WD at Maritime Off Road Wars, with Wins in Leg 1 and Leg 2!<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots remporte la victoire à "Off Road Wars Maritime" !<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->Elliott Boots takes the Win in 4WD at Maritime Off Road Wars, with Wins in Leg 1 and Leg 2!<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots remporte la victoire à "Off Road Wars Maritime" !<!--:-->

    Elliott Boots takes the Win in 4WD at Maritime Off Road Wars, with Wins in Leg 1 and Leg 2 !


    10014701_10152850661793735_7485194491042941145_n 10257078_10152850516508735_2129136960394195859_n

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  8. <!--:en-->Elliott Boots CML Masters 2014 ZX6 set-up sheet<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots CML Masters 2014 Fiches de réglages ZX6<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->Elliott Boots CML Masters 2014 ZX6 set-up sheet<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots CML Masters 2014 Fiches de réglages ZX6<!--:-->

    bootsmasters cml-3 Setup-Sheet-Elliott-Boots

    Setup Sheet Elliott Bootsbootsmasters cml-3 Setup-Sheet-Elliott-Boots

    Setup Sheet Elliott Boots

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  9. <!--:en-->Elliott Boots takes The CML Masters in France with Kyosho ZX6 !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots remporte le CML Masters avec le Kyosho ZX6 !<!--:-->

    <!--:en-->Elliott Boots takes The CML Masters in France with Kyosho ZX6 !<!--:--><!--:fr-->Elliott Boots remporte le CML Masters avec le Kyosho ZX6 !<!--:-->

    Elliott Boots takes The CML Masters in France with Kyosho ZX6 !

    He finishes third in 2wd.


    bootsmasters cml bootsmasters cml-1 bootsmasters cml-2 bootsmasters cml-3 bootsmasters cml-4

    Elliott Boots remporte le CML Masters avec le Kyosho ZX6 !

    Il termine 3ème en 2wd.


    bootsmasters cml bootsmasters cml-1 bootsmasters cml-2

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